Oxbow Regional Park

CES Spring III - Fire Program

Call 971-806-6946 to register by phone or to request interpretation, sign language interpreters, and other modifications. After registration, please check your email for a confirmation message and attachment to prepare for the day. Event Description: In this hands-on class, learn how to build fires safely with modern tools and classic techniques. We'll be using modern approaches rather than primitive fire-building techniques. We will go over basics like using magnesium fire starters, bundling kindling as well as the safety precautions you'll want to take. We will provide all materials needed.

04/20/2024 - 04/20/2024
Sat : 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Enrollment Fee

Description Price
Individual $6.00

Extra Fees

Description Price
Select below for fee waiver option ($6 off) -$6.00
You may register between 03/08/2024 and 04/20/2024.